History buffs in the black powder community or those who have visited the annual turkey shoot of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association in Friendship, Indiana are probably aware of Jerry's reputation as a skillful craftsman and creative innovator, and his generous help and guidance were critical to the success of our versa vise effort. Jerry is a retired woodworker and contemporary builder of 17th and 18th-century black powder rifles, as well as an inspired inventor and all-around ingenious tinkerer. Garrett Wade's endeavor to bring the Ultimate Versatile Vise to our customers would not have been a success without the critical contributions of our new friend, and innovative craftsman, Jerry Crawford of Colorado.

Months later we have succeeded at creating the ideal workbench vise with the invaluable help of historical Flintlock builder and restorer, Jerry Crawford. What was missing was an Accessory Mount that transferred the "Frog into a Prince." We knew this, but apparently no one else figured it out because no improvement ever appeared. It was a decent tool but was a shadow of its former self because it was limited to one-axis orientation. Then some years ago, a similar versa vise appeared on the market, but it was not the same. This is a tale that requires a bit of history telling: Many decades ago, a small vise company in Ohio made a bench-top cast-iron vise that could be oriented on two axis simultaneously. We are now shipping our newest version with improved castings.
Versa vice tool full#
This unique workbench vise is highly recommended for all working shops - it will pay for itself 100% the very first time you use its full capabilities. With versatility unequaled by any other shop vise available, the Versatile Vise is as useful for general shop and metalwork as it is for the woodworker, patternmaker and carver. Designed to withstands the rigors of daily teching. It can even be remounted horizontally to hold your work over the edge of your workbench. Rotates 360 degrees and angles 180 degrees offering optimized angles for working on any bow or crossbow. The Versa-Mount System allows you to change out different tools quickly and easily by adding optional tool holders or building your own custom mounts. The versa vise head can fully rotate around its vertical mount, and with its unique offset arm, it can also pivot around horizontal axes. Keep your work surface clear and eliminate the need for dedicated floor stands with the Versa-Mount Vise and Grinder Table Mount. The Garrett Wade Ultimate Versatile Vise can be fully oriented in two axes at the same time, giving you infinitely greater options in positioning.